Baymax is an Annex dog who I've known and admired since he was a puppy; for months, the stars have aligned and we've crossed paths at local dog parks where I was leading walks and he was partaking in them with his former dog walker. On such days, I couldn't help but run over to him and give him a quick (or not so quick) cuddle; he spills over with love and is so adorable that it's hard not to melt upon seeing him.
When Melissa reached out last week to inquire about dog walks with K9 Kate's Pet Services, I was happy to meet. When she mentioned that the dog she shares with Sebastian is the one and only Baymax, my face lit up.
As mentioned, Baymax did venture out with a former dog walker. This walker happens to be one who I deeply respect; he is incredible with his dogs, tremendously experienced, and kind to both his dogs and his fellow dog walkers. However, Baymax, being intact and young, was struggling with issues around overstimulation and recall that, if not addressed, pose threats to offleash dogs. Different dog walkers have different bars at which to proceed or not. There is no inherent right or wrong. Sometimes a switch to a new dog walker, for whatever reason, just works and can be worth a try.
I want to work with Baymax and get him in fighting form for group so that he can be offleash and play with other dogs; he has so much love and really stands to benefit from remaining in a group. Plus, he's neighbours with Blue- the subject of last week's blog- so it would be doubly rewarding to have helped out this pair of potential buddies who could play successfully together down the road.
Today is day 1. I'll be tracking Baymax's journey on Instagram as a Story, my first since joining the platform a few weeks ago. Please join me as I root, root, root for this amazing boy!!!! @k9katetoronto.
Bay, see you soon. Melissa and Sebastian, thank you for letting me work with this munchkin!!!