Welcome Sam and Blue


Sam first reached out to me in January after moving to Seaton Village and in need of a new dog walker. Since starting K9 Kate's Pet Services, I have yet to refer out a dog who may be a bit ... rough around the edges.  Work with difficult dogs, not difficult people has been a personal belief since the beginning.

I am not a dog trainer.  However, I do have significant experience with our furry friends and will always refer to one of the city's amazing trainers when something is simply over my head. Cue the shout out to Maggi Burt, Beverley McCee, France Daigle, Donald Roberts and, of course, Jessica Greenwell.

Blue was the first dog I've worked with that I simply could not take out with the group safely; he is extremely friendly and social but would get easily overstimulated at the dog park and not know when to stop escalating roughhousing.  Given his size, this posed an obvious threat to other dogs.

Sam and Blue were stuck. I wanted desperately to help.

After one month of daily leash and train walks, Blue is thriving with K9 Kate's Pet Services.  He may always need a watchful eye, but the progress is incredible; he can play safely with his new friends. 

Majour thanks to Jessica Greenwell, who has acted as Blue's primary dog walker; if it weren't for her, Blue may not have been able to thrive this way.

Sam, welcome.  Blue, looking forward to countless more adventures.  Thanks for letting me be your dog walker!