To say that it is the scariest moment in time most have us have lived through would be the understatement of the century. One consistent comfort has been the ability of individuals to step up, and I see it daily in my clients: the doctors and nurses who are on the front lines of this, the self-employed who gave what they could while their own businesses suffer, the countless who offered to drop off supplies while I myself began to self quarantine after developing a soar throat. Ace- seen here- has a very lovely mom who is offering free dog walks for doctors and nurses around Wellington Dog Park so that they can work their shifts and not worry about their dog being walked. As long as we are open which, let’s face it, could change as early as today, we are offering dog walks for doctors and nurses outside of our typical service area so that they can work.
Numerous emails have been sent to clients regarding precautions both we and they can and must take in order for walks to continue. Despite my encouragement to postpone after being self-quarantined, the majority felt and feel that, as the evidence suggests, dog walking is too low risk to be concerning and they would feel better if dog walks continued. I’m not sure yet- like most- where I stand on this.
I do know that this is a pandemic and a crisis that we all want to help each other be safe so, again, doctors and nurses we are here to help should you need. Please forward if you know any Toronto doctors and nurses who are struggling to take care of their dogs right now.