Welcome Silo the Shepador Rescue Dog


Silo’s parents reached out looking for both a Toronto Dog Walker and a Toronto Dog Trainer. We are so excited to get this girl started on Thursday. She will begin on private dog walks and, in time, hopefully be ready for group dog walks. Her goals include: reduced stranger danger and increased confidence around new people and dogs, Silo is sweet, loving and full of beans! I can’t wait to see her progress and grow with us!

Welcome To Dog Walks and Training, Nola the Toy Poodle


Nola darling! I had the pleasure of meeting Nola and her lovely mom Deniz last night. Nola is the latest Bloorcourt dog to join K9 Kate’s Pet Services. This little miss has some big goals and we’re going to help her realize them as best we can.

As is often seen in poodles, Nola can get a bit worked up and is easily triggered by loud noises. She’s also begun resource guarding in the home. She will be dog walking with our amazing small group dog walker, Erica, so that she can receive more intensive care while she settles and training with the wonderful Andrea Dinan.

Nola, we know you will rock it both in training and on your dog walks!! Get it, girl!

K9 Kate's Force Free Training


For the past 3 years, I’ve offered force free dog training to both walking and non-walking clients alike; unlike our dog walking, training is not confined to a service area so whether you’re in North Toronto, Rosedale or Bloor West Village, we can and would love to step in.

It’s time to meet the incredible women comprising our training team.

  1. Andrea Dinan (CPDT-KA - IPDTA - KPA Foundations)

Andrea's training methods focus on motivating the dog (and dog parents) so that the training process is engaging and fun. 

Andrea is certified by the Council for Professional Dog Trainers (www.ccpdt.org) a member of the  International Positive Dog Training Associationand a member of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants.

Andrea has specialized in many areas including leash reactivity, leash pulling and building confidence.

2. Louise Lawrence

Louise was born loving animals. She began walking dogs professionally in Bloor West Village in 2013. By 2015, she was walking dogs full time and a certified Animal Behaviour College Dog Trainer. Louise is a compassionate trainer who will work with you and your dog to achieve your training goals. She can often be found hanging out with her adorable cockapoo, Jynx.

3. Sarah Rix (CPDT-KA - IPDTA - KPA Foundations)

Sarah’s been a beloved member of the dog walking and training community for decades. She walked with Rover Achiever before deciding it was time to realize her dream of becoming a certified dog trainer. She currently walks and trains, and is a valued member of the K9 Kate’s dog training team.

Welcome Back to Adventure Walks, Phoebe!

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This little love muffin joined K9 Kate’s Pet Services when she was only 9 weeks old. First, we would have puppy visits (ie cuddle fests). In a flash, Phoebe had her third round of shots and was ready for the dog park. Together, we ventured to all of my favourites: Coronation Dog Park, Stanley Dog Park, Cherry Beach … you name it. We had a bit of a break after moves and changes to life circumstances, but I am thrilled to say she’ll be back with us soon. I love you so much, Phoebes.

Welcome To Dog Walks and Training, Euclid the Bouvier


I met Euclid, his mom Jess, and their bunny Kramer last night and boy, did I fall hard for this dude! Euclid is the most recent Seaton Village dog to join K9 Kate’s, both for dog walks and for training. He will be walking with me and training with the amazing Andrea Dinan. We both love him very much already!

Jessica, thank you for letting me be your new Toronto dog walker.

Welcome to Adventure Dog Walks, Bogey the Morkie


Bogey joined K9 Kate’s last week and rocked his first dog walk. Led by the amazing Tracy Healy, Bogey and his new friends upped the adorable factor at Cedarvale Ravine. Bogey, we can’t wait to get you out for more adventures. Julie and Stephen, thanks for letting K9 Kate’s be your new Toronto dog walker … and for letting us hang out with your special little guy!

Welcome Linus the Ladradoodle


Nice kicks, Linus!!!

This sweet Ladradoodle joined K9 Kate’s adventure dog walks last week and, boy, do we love him already. Linus’ parents reached out after a recent move to Seaton Village left them without a dog walker. I am thrilled that they did; Linus is sweet, social, and unspeakably adorable!

Welcome to K9 Kate’s, Linus! Meghan and Brian, thank for letting me be your new Toronto dog walker.

Finding a Toronto Dog Walker: Tips, Tricks and Suggested Companies from K9 Kate


Unless you’ve been directly referred to a dog walker via a friend or a dog professional, chances are you’re left with Google. While this can be helpful, it can also - like all Google searches- lead to a rabbit hole. Dog walker X doesn’t service your area, dog walker Y is booked, dog walker Z doesn’t provide force free options, and dog walker double ZZ was outright rude when you spoke.

Toronto dog owners, you deserve better. Let me help you.

Let’s start with the big G. Google likes websites with activity and will place them top of its search list. The issue: these companies may be irrelevant in your quest for a Toronto dog walker. Solution: get specific.

Use key words like your neighbourhood (dog walkers work in specific neighbourhoods only). For instance, K9 Kate’s operates in Seaton Village, The Annex, Little Italy, Trinity Bellwoods, Rosedale and Deer Park. Reaching out to a dog walker who services High Park when you lives in The Danforth isn’t efficient.

Next up, know what service you’re looking for and enter it as a keyword. For instance, if you are looking for offleash dog walks, include this in your Google Search. Different dog walking companies offer different types of walks. K9 Kate’s is among a handful of companies that offer both on foot and adventure.

And then there’s force Free! K9 Kate’s is a fear free dog walking company. I believe that a skilled walker does not need aversive training methods like prong or shock collars. We can get dogs to do what we want and so you can you. Why use fear when you can use love?

With this in mind, please note that I will not knowingly refer dogs to a company that is not fear free. I think it’s antiquated and your dog deserves better.

If you are not in K9 Kate’s service area , please feel free to reach out and I’d be happy to connect you with companies including:

Toronto Tails


Mutt Love

Citizen Canine

Sarah Rix

Unleashed in the City

Toronto Humane Society

Adventure Club

City Dogs

She said Walk

Benevolent Beasts

Sparky’s Comrade

Oh my Dog

In the Lead Dog Walking

Woofs Upon a Walk

Woof, Waggle Walk


Dog’s World Walking

Pup Tent

Liberty Pooch

Pooped Pooches

Philippa Curtain

They Walk Dogs

Diamond Dogs

Wag and Bone

A Couple of Mutts Dog Walking

St. Clair West Dog Walking

(to name a few).

I hope this was helpful in your quest to find a Toronto dog walker. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

Thanks and have a great long weekend.

Expansion of Dog Walking Service area: Rosedale


Happy almost Thanksgiving, Toronto dog lovers. I hope that you have your loosest fitting pants out and ready!

We have begun to accept dogs for group and private dog walks in Rosedale. If you or someone you know is looking for a dog walker, please let them know that K9 Kate’s is in the area, and we’re ready to walk your dog!

Thanks and happy holidays once again!

Welcome to Dog Walks, Winston and Bogart, The Dainty Mastiffs!

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Marc reached out last weekend; he had recently moved to Forest Hill with his two AMAZING pups and was in need of a new dog walker. I knew in advance that I would be meeting two Mastiffs, a personal favourite- I love the giant breeds, their leaning, generally sweet temperaments, and cuddling capacities. These boys are so loving and kind; I can’t wait to get them out next week. Marc, thanks for letting K9 Kate’s be your new Toronto dog walker.

Welcome to Dog Walks, Finn, the Cavalier Spaniel


Julia reached out a few weeks back about dog walking for her adorable pup, Finn. Despite being outside of our former, east boundary, Yonge St., we went for it … and I decided to expand our service area (we are now offering dog walks in Rosedale and Yorkville)! So, if you live near Ramsden Dog Park, buy you groceries at Whole Foods on Avenue Rd., AND you need a dog walker, well, we should speak :)

Finn will have his first official K9 Kate’s dog walk next week. We can’t wait to get to know him!

Welcome to Adventure Dog Walks Otis, the rescue American Bulldog


Otis’s mom reached out a few weeks ago saying she had a new rescue dog and needed a new Toronto dog walker. She let me know that she had already begun force-free training with Jon Fowles and I was immediately impressed; as most people know I am vehemently opposed to aversives and subscribe to force-free philosophies on dog handling. Otis had his first dog walk on Thursday, and was AMAZING! He and fellow Bulldog (British) Baymax, were alllllll over each other in the best of ways! I love watching Bulldogs play, and apparently I am not alone in this; everyone at Bickford Dog Park that day was watching them with smiles on their faces. Otis, welcome to K9 Kate’s, we love you so much!

Welcome back Shaia to Dog Walks, the Rhodesian Ridgeback


Our beloved Ridgeback had a temporary break last year but recently rejoined her friends and I in the dog park. We’ve been frequenting another favourite Toronto dog park, Ramsden, near Yorkville. It has brought me so much joy to see Shaia’s own elation as she plays with her former pack mates. Shaia, we love you big girl!

Welcome to Adventure Dog Walks Lucy, the Boston Terrier / French Bulldog Mix


This little nugget started dog walks last week and, oh dog do we love her! Lucy, another Seaton Village pup, had been off of dog walks for the past year while her mom was spending time with her and her human baby.

Lucy’s parents were concerned that the time off may have jeopardized her sociability. With this in mind, we started dog walking with one other dog, in a very controlled environment. It was quickly apparent that Lucy is not just comfortable with other dogs, she’s a 10! Lucy quickly graduated to group dog walks. Lucy, I am so happy to be your new dog walker and I love you already!

Welcome to Offleash Dog Walks Burrito the Rescue Dog


Burrito started adventure dog walks last week. He is the third Kensington Market dog to join K9 Kate’s in recent months. Here he is with dog best friends Koda, the puppy Golden Retriever, and Milton, the puppy Labrador Retriever. Together, the Three Amidogs have wrestled and cuddled at Grange Dog Park, next to the AGO, Seaton Village’s local Bickford Dog Park, and downtown’s (and my favourite!) Coronation Dog Park. Burrito, we love you so much already, dude!

Welcome to Adventure Walks Scrabble, The Rescue Dog


Scrabble joined dog walks last week and has been an incredible to addition to our pack. He is so sweet and playful, and we adore him already. Scrabble is another reminder of the value of rescuing; there are so many amazing dogs who don’t have homes. Why not consider rescuing one? Princess, Laila, Scrabble, Blue, Gert are just a handful of the rescue dogs K9 Kate’s has walked and loved so much. If you’re thinking about getting a dog, please consider adoption. I posted recently a list of suggested organizations including Toronto Humane Society and K9 Adovcates Manitoba. Thanks and enjoy your day and your dogs!!

Welcome Ink the French Water Dog!


In August, Ink’s mom Alexandra reached out when seeking an Annex dog walker for when she vacationed. Soon after that, Ink joined dog walks and we LOVED her right away. She is so much fun in the dog park, listens like a pro, and clearly takes a lot of pleasure in running around with her new dog friends.

Together, we walked dowtnown’s Coronation and Stanley Dog Parks, Seaton Village’s Bickford Dog Park, and the Annex’s Ramsden Dog Park. Each and every walk, Ink was a joy. I was hoping Alexandra would continue dog walks once they returned and was thrilled when she reached out to say just that. Ink, we love you so much already and can’t wait to keep adventuring with you!

Welcome Willow and Violet, The Standard Poodles, and Their Pawrents Kelly and Scott

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These two lovelies had their first, adventure dog walk with K9 Kate’s this week. It was immediately clear that Willow and Violet not only fit with our group; they added to it! Both are super social with other dogs, making them ideal candidates for park play. Plus, their recall is already KILLER, making my life a whole lot easier … especially during Toronto’s puppy season! I want to thank Amanda Factor at Benevolent Beasts for referring these two pups, and Kelly and Scott for letting me be your Toronto dog walker! I’m looking forward to working together, and seeing your two amazing dogs soon!

Welcome Back To Adventure Dog Walks, Spruce, the GSP!


Cuing Eminem: Guess who’s back. Back again. Our friend Spruce. To the end. Nananana.

Welcome back, Spruce, who spent the last year adventuring in New Mexico with his pawsome dad. He had his first, official post-trip dog walk today. We went to Coronation Dog Park (my favourite Toronto dog park) where it was like nothing had changed; Spruce was so happy to be pack with his pack and, boy, was the feeling mutual!! We ran. We played. We went home tired.

Sprucey, welcome back buddy!

Picture of the Week and Dog Park Etiquette (For Humans)

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I love this picture of Zipper at Coronation Dog Park. It just so happened that the day he was caught with his tongue out was the same day multiple people tried to enter the dog park as we were unleashing, leading me to ask if he too was frustrated by this dog park faux pas.

The problem with entering the dog park in this manner is that gated dogs aren’t necessarily on leashes; if someone opens the gate the dogs could bolt. Additionally, the dog entering may trigger the dogs in the gate and vice versa, leading to a fight; the space is small and the dogs, especially those starting their dog walk, are likely to be super amped up. Hello, trigger stacking!

Here are some other tips:

  1. Bring dogs that are suited to the dog park ie social, healthy and not in heat

  2. Clean up after your dog.

  3. Close the gate each and every time!

  4. Don’t feed someone else’s dogs; that dog may be on a special diet or have allergies. A big nuh-uh on this one.

  5. Eat before or after … if you bring your lunch to the dog park, it’s fair game!

  6. Pick up your poop, not your dog! Picking up and carrying a small dog because you want to protect him/her is human nature but the act of small dogs being lifted up triggers a treeing instinct in many dogs, moving them right into prey drive and exciting them into jumping on you to get at the small dog. In a dog park, where all dogs are extra stimulated and excited, picking up a small, panicked dog could be enough to get you knocked over or possibly even bitten.

  7. Watch your dog. It’s not someone else’s job. Get off your phone and make sure your dog is safe.

  8. Be mindful of the toys you bring. For example, those super small Chuck-It balls may be perfect for a chihuahua but a Labrador could easily choke on one.

  9. Headphones are ok so long as you can hear what’s going on in the dog park.

  10. Not that your dog should be wearing a prong collar, but if s/he is, remove it prior to entering the dog park.

  11. Most importantly, have fun!!! This is your special time with your pup so savour it!

Have a great, safe weekend!