Welcome Hank the French Bulldog and Heidi the Dog Mom!


Having recently moved to Little Italy from Vancouver, Heidi reached out a few weeks ago in search of a Toronto dog walker. 

I am THRILLED that she did: Hank is a freaking rock star!!  He started adventure dog walks last week and has been an absolute pleasure to walk.  He's confident, social, and sweet … a dog walker's dream.  Interestingly, Heidi had mentioned that Hank prefers to sniff and explore, rather than play at the dog park.  No more! He has been playing with EVERYONE!!! 

Hank, I absolutely love you already.  Apparently, the internet does too; Hank is a bona fide Instagram star with well over 100 000 followers (thelifeof_hank).  When I asked Heidi if he had an account, she replied nonchalantly that he was popular :) Well, he's a hit with our group as well!

Heidi, thank you for letting me hang out with Hank and be your new, Toronto dog walker! 

Become a Toronto Dog Walker with K9 Kate's!

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Happy Saturday fellow Toronto dog lovers! K9 Kate's is hiring 1-2 Independent Contractors to help with dog walking and dog boarding.
If you are interested and meet the criteria, please reach out, or share with potential candidates … please :)
Walks are offleash and rooted in force free and positive reinforcement handling philosophies. The work culture is absolutely supportive, positive, and we work with dogs!  Dog walking is not always a walk in the park; this picture was taken last week when the city become flooded, and public transit was down throughout the GTA. Jess and I were not only walking, as we do each and every day, but we were out with smiles on; truly, dog walking is good for the soul and this is a great company to be a part of. So take the first step in becoming a  Toronto dog walker with K9 Kate's and reach out today!
Thank you and I hope everyone enjoys their weekends!



Welcome Willow the Australian Shepherd, and Mercedes and Kyle the Pawrents


Mercedes reached out last week in search of a new, Toronto dog walker for Willow. 

Willow, like K9 Kate's pack members Blue and Baymax, had been struggling in her previous pack This has nothing to do with the skills of the dog walker but sometimes a fit isn't right, whether it be related to the park that the walker visits, or their dog walking and training philosophies (we are force free dog walkers, Willow's former walker was not), or the dogs in the pack (Willow is a young pup who is full of beans; she is grouped with dogs who are in line with this), or a dog has simply calmed down as time passed and s/he started with her new dog walker, or the training set in … as you can see, there are a lot of factors leading to a dog's success, most of which have very little to do with the dog walker.

Still, I was nervous so imagine my surprise, when Willow FREAKING ROCKED IT!!!  And I mean … ROCKED.  IT!!!!!!

She immediately integrated with her new pack, running with them for the full hour.  To an observer, she would not read as a dog with a new dog walker.  She blew me away.

Now, behaviours may begin to be exhibited in the coming weeks.  If they do, K9 Kate's amazing dog walker and dog trainer, Jessica Greenwell, is ready to get our new friend into fighting form so that she can continue to thrive (as we know she can)!!!

Mercedes and Kyle, thank you for letting us walk Willow.  We love her already.,

Welcome Edie the Australian Bernadoodle and Leanna and Brad the Paw-rents


This has been a loooong time coming.  I met Edie and Leanna a few months ago when Edie was 1/4 the size she is today (especially in girth … you go, girl!), too young for group dog walking, and headed up north; clearly, we weren't ready to start dog walks.

The tides have turned.  Edie is of age, back in the city, and ready to join her friends on her first adventure dog walk tomorrow.  She's already met and wowed fellow K9 Kate's pack members Olive and Homer.  Edie, we're getting ready for even more wow factor tomorrow!!!! If you repeat the fish in the mouth surprise you gave to your mom, I will be a VERY happy woman.

Leanna, thank you for letting me be Edie's dog walker.  I promise to give her lots of love, excitement, and best of all, she's coming home tired!

Dog Days: A New Classic For Dog Folks


Thank you Jessica Schachter (TaRo PR) for so graciously inviting the K9 Kate's team to the August 8th pre-screening of Dog Days, a heartfelt new comedy from acclaimed production company LD Entertainment (The Zookeeper’s Wife, Jackie, and Megan Leavey).

From the moment I hit play on Dog Days' official trailer, linked below, to the moment it finished, I smiled, laughed and thought "Oh, yes.  THAT'S my dog world!!" 

Dog Days hits on the dog world’s hilarity ($300 for pet therapy, anyone?) as well as its incredibly special interconnectedness..  Whether you’re a dog walker, trainer, owner, volunteer, vet, or someone who simply loves dogs and follows our four legged friends on Instagram, being a dog lover opens the door for human connection too.  Dog Days gets this and, in so doing, feels like home.

PLUS, the freaking cast is amazing (Finn Wolfhard from Stranger Things- NOT looking absolutely terrified, Eva Longoria, Vanessa Hudgens and Nina Dobrev, among others).  I am so excited for August 8th, and will be seeing this movie, for sure, a few more times once it officially opens August 10th.  Check out the clip and get ready to laugh and recognize something a little too familiar :)  



A Welcome to Ragnarr and A Reflection by Kate


Ragnarr's mom, Farnoush, reached out last week to inquire about dog walks and  I was thrilled; I knew Rags' awesome parents already through (what else?!) dog walking.  When I first started K9 Kate's, I ran with dogs, including their good friends' pup until my body yelled "STOP, YOU CRAZY LADY!"

That was two years ago. K9 Kate's was truly in its infancy.  So much has changed that it feels impossible not to reflect.

Then, there were 2-3 dogs and I was terrified, as most new, small business owners presumably are.  Now, there are 36 dogs and counting and one incredible team member (and counting).  Still, a number is just a number.  What's so striking to me is my own growth, which is a direct result of dog walking.

Before I kew mindfulness was a thing (and for good reason it is), dog walking taught me to be in the moment.  Always be present or you'll miss something.  Don't let a bad walk get you down and don't let a great one lead to carelessness.  Be small, as they say and notice the way, for instance, one dog responds to a treat and another love as the best reward in the world.  Don't compare yourself: everyone has good and bad days.  Focus on yourself and being the best YOU that you can be.  

I do feel that in the past two and a half years, I became a more confident, present and aware person, all the result of working with dogs.  True, when I met Farnoush K9 Kate's was new, and starting a new business is unquestionably and unspeakably stressful.  Still, I can't help but reflect and be grateful not only that she reached out, but that I've been given the gift of walking dogs.  I am very fortunate: I spend my days, outside, doing something I love, with dogs.  I'm my own boss, the life lessons of which as well are countless and significant, and I've met some pretty amazing people along the way.

Farnoush and Jamie, thank you for letting me be Ragnarr's dog walker and unintentionally leading me to vocalize just how wonderful dog walking is, not just for the dogs.  Bet you weren't expecting THIS as a welcome post :) ?!?  Please tell Rags, he has a whole lot of doggy friends and two very loving dog walkers waiting for him.

Welcome Bauer the Bernadoodle Puppy and Parents Marni and Hersh


I met Bauer and Marni last week as I was picking up their neighbour and fan favourite, Baymax, for his morning dog walk. This little monster (of cuteness) began puppy visits yesterday and is set to join the pack next week.  I am told that FORMER neighbour - there are more neighbours I walk on Euclid but they are not yet entwined in this :) - Georgia is soooo excited that she'll be walking with her Barnadoodle brother!  Bauer, we promise to love you each and every walk, little man!

Welcome Eddie, Brother to Blue, and Jess, Partner to Sam!


I want to extend a big welcome to Eddie the Goldendoodle, and Jess the dog mom! Eddie began dog walks with K9 Kate's last week and has truly amazed both me and Jess with his incredible spirit and determination; he consistently wants to keep going and he does so with the BIGGEST smile on his face! Eddie, you are an amazing dog and I am beyond thrilled to welcome you to our pack!

Picture of the Week with Nelly: The Nelle of the Balle


Sweetest surprise ever to see Nelly the Bernadoodle with a bow in her fur.  I did remove it during her dog walk to ensure it came home :)  Nelly is a wonderful dog and I can't wait to see her again this week- bow or no bow … but hopefully WITH bow!

Welcome Sadie the Labrador Retriever and Brett the Pawrent

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Sadie completed her first week of dog walks with K9 Kate's last week and rocked it!! She is incredibly sweet, good-natured, and pretty much melted the hearts of every dog walker/owner she met … including mine! Brett, thank you for choosing K9 Kate's as Sadie's dog walker.  I'll do my best to fill Jill's shoes!

Goodbye is too Painful, Dexter: See You Later Hurts Less

At best, a goodbye is not an easy thing.  Saying goodbye to Dexter as he leaves today for Calgary, his new hometown, feels crushing.  Dex has walked with with me from the beginning, each and every day, and spent approximately 1/3rd of the last year living with me as his mom honored an unintended great love with a man living in Calgary.

Dexter was with me through the loss of a family member and the birth of another.  In true Dexter form, he ate an entire cheese plate at my Nephew’s briss - jumped up like a great white shark and “GWAP!” Given the time we have spent together, it goes without saying that I feel extremely close to Dexter.  I love him.

Dexter is such a special dog.  The shining example of his kindness was when I brought him to Phoebe’s puppy visits while transitioning her to dog walks.  Phoebe felt it would be fun to jump on Dexter’s head …  for a full  half hour.  He didn’t correct. He knew her age and, in this moment, he acted as father.

Dexter is not only kind, he is HILARIOUS.  He chooses to sit on the car floor so that his head rests exactly where he can receive rubs while I drive.  As this happens, he, without fail, smiles at me, knowing he got the best seat in the house and taking pride in his secret massage.  He also pulled me across Christie St. for old pizza and across Bloor St. for an empty bag of wonder bread.  

I could go on and on (and on) when it comes to Dexter and all of the reasons I love him and it wouldn’t do him justice.  I’m truly just grateful I got to be his dog walker over the years.

D, D Man, Dex, Dexorcist .... I will take your mom up on her offer and I will see you in Calgary.  I love you so much, big man!

To start the Dexter slideshow, please click on the first picture.  More pictures headed to Instagram @k9katetoronto now.


Doggy Life Vests: do the impossible, stay safe and take the plunge!

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Bulldogs, while strong and muscular, risk sinking like stones upon entering the water. Baxmax is no exception.  The dilemma: Baymax LOVES to swim.  This doesn't surprise me; having been Baymax's dog walker for nearly 4 months, I know the extant of his tenacity and determination.  I also know how much his incredible parents want him to live the fullest, best life possible.  

The solution: a life vest for Bay.  This picture was taken last week at Cherry Beach where Baymax was the belle of the beach. As I watched Baymax swim and saw the incredibly joy on his face, I felt touched.  I believe so much in Baymax and am grateful that his parents chose K9 Kate's as his Toronto dog walker.

I've included a link to an excellent summary and analysis of life vest options for our furry friends.  Toronto dogs, whether you're a Dane or a French Bulldog or a Pug, you can do anything you set your mind to!


King West: We are (offically!) Dog Walking in Your Area

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Over the past few months, I began taking on King West clients here and there.  In each and every case, these pups were referred to K9 Kate's by either a client, another Toronto dog walker, or a dog trainer.  Given these dogs had been referred, and they're freaking adorable (I am human after all!), I happily agreed to sign on as their dog walker.  So let's just make this official!  If you live on King St, between Spadina and Shaw  and you need a dog walker or dog trainer, we're here to train, love and adventure dog walk your fur baby!


Picture of the Week: The Toronto Doodle Romp and Why I DM Pix


At the end of each day, K9 Kate's human clients receive a picture of their pup's dog walking adventures.  This routine began from day one, with one client, and has continued past day 700 (what?!?!) with over 30 (double what?!?!)  dog walking clients.

I know it's not necessary and it does take time and, as a small business owner, time is truly the most important commodity in my life. However, this end of day ritual has lasted because it is valuable and not just for my clients;  I mean, what could be better than seeing your dog having fun and getting love with his friends during his adventure dog walk?  That's rhetorical, by the way :)  For me, this exchange matters because it keeps me connected with my humans- we SHARE the joy in seeing the pictures, in knowing how their dogs are doing, who they're bonding with and so much more.  Through these exchanges, bonds form and friendships forge.

One such friendship is with Tara, dog mom to Phoebe.  Tara helps organize the Toronto Doodle Romp, which is where this photo was taken.  It was such a special day; imagine 100s of Doodles  congregating and romping at Cherry Beach.  Clearly, as this picture shows, I certainly enjoyed myself.  A picture is worth 1000 words.  Even if K9 Kate's does keep growing and reaches 80 dogs, I'll be sending these 1000 words to clients as often as I can.  Thank you Tara for the words in this picture

Welcome Olive the Minidoodle, Melissa and Michael the Paw-Rents

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Yes and no. Yes, I am even MORE seriously considering renaming K9 Kate's to K9 Kadoodle :)  No, I can't handle the cuteness that is OLIVE!  

Melissa reached out last week after being referred by the amazing Stephanie Tran of When Hounds Fly.  Stephanie is a trainer with whom I've shared a particularly positive working relationship.  We first connected about four months ago when a dog who was working with Stephanie joined our pack.  From day one, Stephanie was beyond receptive to keeping me posted on her own work with the dog and to receiving updates from me. The implications of working with a dog trainer like Stephanie cannot be understated; as a result of her commitment, this very social dog can partake (more like rock out, really!)  in offleash dog walks. 

As a dog walker and the owner of a mid-sized dog walking company, I do determine which pet care professionals I work with and refer to.  I will always, in a heartbeat, refer to Stephanie Tran and her When Hounds Fly family.  Stephanie - ok, love fest coming- is super accessible, positive, and embraces the same team mentality I personally subscribe to. 

Stephanie, you rock!

Olive, you are a very delicious Goldendoodle. I see some sassy doodleness in you and, well, I LIKE it! Melissa and Michael, thank you for letting me be Olive's dog walker.  Melissa, I promise to love this "Angry Bird" each and every walk.

Welcome Nelly the Bernadoodle, Rob and Ariel the Parents

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I am thrilled to welcome Nelly the Bernadoodle to K9 Kate's.  She completed her first week of dog walks on Friday, and now she's flying airplanes.  Ok, ok, so only one of these things is true ... it's dog walks, people!

Rob reached out to K9 Kate's after being referred by our friends at In the Lead Dog Walking.  Like us, In the Lead provides Toronto dogs with a strictly offleash dog walking service.  It is a company that I happily refer to anyday when receiving requests West of our service area (e.g. Leslieville, Corktown).  If you have Google searched Toronto Dog Walker, live in those areas, and are reading this, I definitely recommend these guys!

Back to Nelly Belly :) Given Nelly is so young and a dog park/dog walk novice, I kept her on a short, trailing leash for her first dog walk.  This allowed her to still run but enhances safety; if Nelly were to, for instance, run towards a potentially problematic situation, I can interrupt this much more effectively by reaching for her leash, not her.  I HIGHLY recommend anyone with a dog who is a puppy, new to park or simply working on, for example, resource guarding to do just this!

Importantly, by dog walk number two, Nelly no longer required a trailing leash ... yeah, girl!!!! Nelly is an offleash ROCK STAR!  She runs and plays with the other dogs beautifully, is highly social, inquisitive and, well, freaking adorable.

Rob and Ariel, thank you for reaching out and letting me be Nelly's dog walker!

Pictures of the Week: Why hello Georgia, Gert, Spruce and Phoebe!

Picture of the week, picture of the week where art though?  I'll admit I've not been too diligent - ok, ok, I've been slacking - when it comes to posting our picture of the week for the past month. It's certainly not for lack of wanting; this is truly an amazing group of dogs and I want to share our days with the community. 

Where it gets complicated: since founding K9 Kate's, I've habitually sent updates and pictures directly to doggy parents.  I like this personal touch and know they do too; not only can they see their dogs while apart, we are able to stay hyper connected when it comes to doggy goals, progress, highlights and the like. This is absolutely a dog walking company that emphasizes this type of relationship; at the Meet and Greet, I always ask the doggy parents to outline goals for his/her dog that I, as dog walker, can help facilitate.  This is very much an actively mid-sized dog walking company where client/walker relationships are able to remain quite close and things like goals are addressed.

For the past few months, I've been doing my very, very best to post on social media (Instagram) so that other dog parents and lovers can see these amazing dogs in action.  However, for someone whose bio includes a mention of how much she actively avoids screen time, I end up with quite a bit of it!  While I can't imagine a cuter, more fun, and fur-ocious group of doggos to show off, I can spend up to 2 hours/day doing so if I post on Instagram as well ... this seems a tad excessive!

So, I will do my very best to get back on track with blogging our days as I LIKE doing so ... but weekly may be too much :)

In these pictures are: Georgia the Bernadoodle, Spruce the GSP,  Gert the Cockapoo and Phoebe the mini Goldendoodle at Coronation Park, where I suspect we'll be from about 9 am onwards today; by the lake with a fountain that's ready to go ... swoon!!!

I hope everyone enjoys the upcoming long weekend and the extra time with their dogs. I'll be up north with K9 Kate's doggies, Phoebe and Dexter, and dog mom, Tara.  And yes, it means a lot to me too that through personal notes, real friendships with wonderful clients like Tara evolve.  Have a good one!

Welcome Scout the Portuguese Water Dog and Sarah the Dog Mama


Oh boy.  Not only is Scout awfully adorable, she's sweet, playful and a perfect addition to our pack.  Sarah reached out last week after hearing about our walks at Seaton Village's local vet, Bickford Animal Hospital.  I am so happy she did.  Scout is an offleash dog walker's dream; she's come to play and, well, we've got an awful lot of guys and gals that would be more than happy to help her out with that :) Sarah, thank you for reaching out.  I am thrilled to be Scout's dog walker.  I promise to love her and can't wait to see the joy in her face as she explores Toronto's incredible dog parks with her new friends.  She is about to enter a very enriching world and you'll get daily pictures so you can see your fur baby living it up with her friends.  I'm excited for Scout ... and for me 'cause, as was mentioned, she's this dog walker's dream dog .

Welcome Shep the German Shepherd and Dog Parents Taylor and Chrissi


Oh boy, two amazing pups joined dog walks this week and I am thrilled to welcome this DUDE ( a dude, not a DOOD). Shep, a 3 year-old rescue dog, is sure to melt hearts this afternoon when he has his first K9 Kate’s adventure dog walk.

His parents, Taylor and Chrissy, reached out a few week backs after being referred by a client who’s dog I’ve walked since his puppy days, Chester.

Shep is this dog walker’s dream: full of beans, sweet, and our first German Shepherd.  I’ve always had a majour crush on these guys and am so happy to finally be one’s walker.

Shep, I cannot wait to cuddle and love you and give you a good run this afternoon.  Taylor and Chrissy, thank you so much for reaching out and letting me be Shep’s dog walker!


Welcome Beethoven the Goldendoodle and Esther and Claudel the Dog Parents

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Ok ... I can't be the only Beatles' fan looking forward to saying Roll Over, Beethoven!  I'd like to extend the biggest welcome to Esther, Claudel, and Beethoven, a 14 week mini-doodle, who will graduate from puppy visits (with Honours, no doubt) once he's completed his vaccinations.

Esther reached out to inquire about puppy visits last week and I’m so happy she did.  Not only is Beethoven in our dog walking service area (Little Italy), he is a Mini Goldendoodle (woot woot!!!) and, at this point, K9 Kate’s ought to be renamed : K9 Kadoodle!  Check out our social media and you’ll see what I mean :)

I am MORE than ok with this: I adore the Doods and am so grateful to be their dog walker.  They are the perfect breed for park and adventure dog walks; typically playful, social and with endless energy.  Beethoven, I can see already that you possess these qualities and are going to thrive with our group.  Esther, thanks so much for letting me be your dog walker.  I can’t wait to show this Dood off!