Brother and sister duo. Thank you to dog mama Kim for adopting these two and welcoming them into your family with open arms and open hearts. The pups are thriving on their walks- independent yet social, exploring exciting new spaces, and stealing hearts. Oakley from the word go was in heaven when introduced to the ravine, and lakeshore parks. Sadie needed a bit more time to feel comfortable but has rapidly become Queen of the Dog Park. She absolutely walks around like she owns the place, while her Retriever brother searches high and low for a ball and a good belly rub. Paw-some work Oakley, Sadie, and Kim!
Lakeside Picnic with Penny! A Balmy -12 Degrees
I love this picture of Ms. Penny gazing at the "glazing" on the lake while claiming the picnic table as her resting spot. Penny has been such a wonderful addition to the K9 Kate's family. She is exactly the type of pup an adventure walk is made for- she loves to run, sniff, play, and explore. In fact, her nickname is "The Tink" because she has a little tinkle whenever I arrive for her walk ... the ultimate compliment :)
Staying Cozy For the Paw-lidays
People celebrate in many ways over the holidays; by spending time with family, resting, dancing, reading, drinking "a bit" too much. One thing we as Canadians share: the need to stay WARM! A second thing we at K9 Kate's share: a love for our dogs! With this in mind, I decided to say thank you and happy paw-lidays to the K9 family with mugs featuring their doggy's photo. Remember doggy parents: it's cold out, but you don't have to be!
Remember and Thank You from K9 Kate's
Phoebe is sporting her poppy to honour those who have given their lives while serving in the armed forces. We do remember.
Happy Halloween!!
Happy Halloween from Dexter and the rest of us at K9 Kate's Pet Services!!
Welcome Penny!
Bienvenue Penny. You and your mama are wonderful additions to the pack. Any guesses as to Penny's background? Is she part Beagle? A wee bit Husky? What matters is she is 100% wonderful, loved, and lovely.
Feeling Like a Heat Wave!
There are two places to find K9 Kate pups during this heat wave: the lake or the ravine. We're just more comfortable frolicking offleash, running in and out of the water when it's 40 degrees ... ALL of us!
Homer and Hamish Day 1
For anyone who gets the Monday blues, say hello to Homer and Hamish frolicking on their first day together.
Welcome Homer!
September is officially puppy month at K9 Kate's Pet Services thanks to 3, totally paw-some recent additions: Hamish, Phoebe and Homer! Homer had his first day yesterday and was AMAZING in all regards: social, playful at the park and walked like a superstar on leash.
Given it was Homer's first day apart from him lovely mamas, he suggested we FaceTime with them during the outing. Everyone was so happy with how things went that Homer is back on today, despite a planned day off.
Homer, Ella and Emma: welcome!!!!
That's My Boy!
Storm relaxing in our treehouse after a stressful day at the office.
Welcome Pheobe!
In a few short weeks, this cutie patootie will be old enough to join her new home, alongside her human mama, Tara. Starting with puppy visits and joining group walks once ready, Pheobe is in for a whole lot of love, fun, and excitement- Tara and I as well :)
Welcome Clarence Clemons (the dog) ... what did ya think?
As if we weren't kickass enough, we now have this adorable guy joining us next week. AND HIS NAME IS CLARENCE CLEMONS!!!
Maybe he's born with it? Maybe it's MIGUEL!
K9 Kate's is so proud to welcome our second shih-Tzu, Miguel. Miguel is incredibly warm and playful with a puppyish enthusiasm that betrays his 9 years. It could be the Maybelline but I think it's the Migel. We are all so excited to have him officially join us this fall.
Laila/Lampa and Understanding Dewclaws
Last week, poor Ms. Thing split her dewclaw while at the park. This splitting is quite common and doesn't warrant the freak out that most of us gravitate towards when seeing our dogs in pain.
So what is the dewclaw? The dewclaw is like our big toe. In some dogs, it helps them to grip and climb.
What do we do if it splits, tears, etc.? In most cases, you should go to your vet who can protect and disinfect the injury. For dogs like Ms. Thing, a cone may be necessary to prevent them from licking the affected area.
Is Laila still the lightning fast, heart-breaker she's always been? YES AND YES!
Post "Summer Vacation" Reunion: It's a Dog's Life
The doggies and I couldn't be happier to have Maggie "Big Butt" Goldstein, Thor and Tundra (T and T), Hank (The Tank), and Palmer (Just Palmer) back with us after their summer "vacations." Lookin' fairly happy there too, Mags!
Welcome Romeo, The Cane Corso!
Yesterday was "dainty" Romeo's first day with K9 Kate's and he is a great addition off the bat- loving, warm, easy going, and can get in and out of the car himself (thank goodness because my back can't take it!!). We love you already, Romeo but I guess you're used to it with a name like that :)
Emergency Situation: Running Away and how to Respond
Last night, a near tragedy occurred. I was biking home and saw a Wheaton run across a main intersection off-leash. The owner could not be found. It was dark. No one knew the dog's name. She was afraid and running away from people who tried to approach.
When faced with this situation, there are things YOU CAN DO so that you have the same result we did last night: thank goodness, Nola was found and returned safely to her mom.
1. NEVER CHASE A DOG WHO IS RUNNING AWAY. Our gut says pounce. Theirs sees flight. Instead, run in the opposite direction, making lots of excited noise, and encourage the dog to follow you.
2. If possible, lead the dog towards an area that can be confined- a yard, a store, etc. and once securely inside, secure the dog to you. REPEAT: NEVER CHASE!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Many heads and bodies are better than one: notify as many people as you can and encourage a search team. Post what you saw on community FB groups, notify dog walkers- we know each other and have our own FB groups.
4. Don't give up. More often than not, these dogs are returned safely home.
Welcome Muddy and Barbara!
Muddy joined K9 Kate's Pet Services in early August and has integrated beautifully with the pack. She and her dog mama, Barbara, are paw-some in every way.
I want to bring attention to Muddy's experience because it is an all too familiar one. Muddy was with a walker who was simply the wrong fit. When this happens, a dog is sold short- e.g. on a leashed walk when he desperately needs a good wrestle, or isolated into a private walk when he is wrongly assessed as anti-social.
If you question your walker's fit, I urge you- for you AND your dog - to consult with at least one of Toronto's many knowledgeable walkers and discuss options with people you trust; some of the flashiest companies have the worst service and a great marketing team.
Welcome Hamish and Rachel!
K9 Kate's is thrilled to have Hamish and his lovely dog mom, Rachel Metalin, join our pack. Hamish is a 4 month old English Bull Dog who loves walks with Rachel, playing with other pups, and snacking on the occasional shoe (he's working on it!). Hamish, the doggies and I can't wait to get to know you better.
Staying Safe during Monday's Eclipse!
Greetings, dog lovers. Many of us have been reading about how to keep our human eyes safe on Monday. What about our canine friends? To ensure K9 Kate's pups continue to see their tennis balls and Frisbees as clearly a possible, we will not be walking during the eclipse; all dogs will get in their exercise safely either before or after. Spread the word and let's take care of our furry friends!